Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Interview with Fibers major Matt Bobbins!

I see Matt everyday hanging out at Scafe at some point of the day. For those of you who frequent that area, you might've already noticed the tall and thin kid that wears killer necklaces and enviable wolf sweaters. I just started getting to know Matt better and I learned a lot more about him than I expected to. He's a very passionate kid when it comes to art, and if you see inside his sketchbook you'll be surprised to find the most exquisitely abstract patterns and figures in all sorts of colors. Those who are interested in fibers and jewelry, don't hesitate to read this interview!

1. Matt, introduce yourself! Age, hometown, alias and what are you currently studying?
Hello readers
 My name is Matt Bobbins.  That image you see is 3 blind contours I did of myself ,over one another.
Sometimes I’ve been known to be called the mad hatter…..
I have strong love for patterns, nature, and textures
My birthday is October 1st and im about to be turning 19
Currently my major is Fibers and minor is Metals/Jewelry. (to be truthful ive played around with the idea of switching those two around)

2.What made you get into Fibers, what to do you like most about it?
See, the way I got into fibers is honestly a long string of thread that goes back to sophomore year of high school, when I took my first serious art class. I’ve played the clarinet since 4th grade and for a long time of my life I thought I wanted to be a professional musician. But after that art class I just sort of fell in love with art and creating things. I took a sewing class the next year and fell even more in love with that and thought “oh! Maybe ill be a fashion designer?” I really loved sewing and so my senior year I took another two sewing classes. I made a vest, hoodies, backpacks and other stuff and I thought that making clothes was my niche. But when I really had to start looking for colleges I found SCAD because of their accessory design program. I thought “I can be in the fashion industry but not design clothes” because I had started to realize the clothes I made weren’t particularly innovative or complex. They were more just simple designs with interesting fabric that I really just wanted to wear for myself. What I realized after looking into accessories though was I wanted to incorporate my love for fine arts and designing into a career that is in the fashion industry. Fibers just jumped out at me. I love the idea of being able to combine my love for art and fashion all in one.

3.Do you sew often? If so tell us what you like sewing most.
Not as much recently because ive been doing a lot more with fine arts and jewelry but I still got it in me! Sewing is fun for me because I love making clothes ^_^

4.Pattern/print idea for a sweater?
Who else is obsessed with eyes like I am?

5.3 things you can’t live without:
creating, music,  friends

6.You’re minoring in metals right? Show us a piece of your work!  
One of my more recent:

bone pendant, white stone scarab, lavastone, glass and wood beads.  And a small glass vile charm!

7.Inspirations? People you look up to?
My inspiration always is being pulled from all different places.  Lately ive been really intrigued with eastern culture like Hinduism and Taoism. However the one constant will always be The Beatles. John Lennon was a libra too, you know

8.If you could travel anywhere in the world at this very moment, where would you go?
Macchu Picchu, Peru. Hands down. Ive actually been telling a lot of people recently how much I want to go there. I plan on growing out a mustache with long ends, weaving my own poncho, and going into the mountains with llamas.
Its going to be magical.

9.Brand name for your future textiles company?
Actually, my best friend Britt and I plan on owning a company together.  This girl is literally my other half and we always create together (a lot of the time on the same piece of paper at the same time). One day when we were drawing we realized our initials were palidromes. Matt Bobbins and Britt Mahoney. MB:BM   from there we have started desiging tag logos and stuff and we always sign our art like that. Im not sure if  thatll stick for the name of the company but its got a really good chance !

10. Word of advice for those interested in fibers/metals?
Hm nothing particular besides just go after what makes you most happy, be prepared to work hard for it, and make sure you always find time to have fun inbetween the madness!

If you have a tumblr/website or anything you’d like to share with us, give us the link (:  - I just run a photoblog where I repost things I find that I consider beautiful, weird, or intriguing.

for an online portfolio of (more recent) works that I consider some of my best check out :

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